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June 12, 2011

Various Human Heart

~::: One of an anime [Fruits Basket] chara says ::

#Anime Vector

Rather trust than doubt someone, because people aren't born with a good or bad heart.
The only natural instincts are for food, sleep and things like that.
That's the survival instincts. One's good heart grows with the body.
It slowly grows inside of you.. So everyone's heart is different.

             ** Desire is something everyone is born with, so it's easy to understand,
                 But one's heart is something new created by everyone.
                 So, it's easy to be misunderstood and easy to be taken as fake.
                 Doubt is something that everyone onewill experience.. But Tohru...
                 You must trust others.
                 You must become a person who can be trusted. You will be able to help others.

~ (Kyoko and Tohru - Fruits Basket)

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